USF Clinic

PBA provided architectural services to convert an office space at Port Tampa Bay into a clinic for...

IIBEC Florida

Howard Piper is the new IIBEC Florida Chapter Treasurer for 2023.  This is his second year on the IIBEC Florida Board serving as Secretary in 2022.  Florida has a very active chapter, and we encourage others to join and participate in the educational seminars and...

PMMA as a Roofing and Coating System 8/26/22

PBA is hosting another Lunch and Learn Seminar with Delta Rep Group on August 26 at Tampa Bay Sporting Clays.  This seminar is presented by Soprema and covers PMMA as a roofing and coating system.  The seminar will be led by Todd Page of Soprema and will provide...

Roofing Products – Lunch and Learn

Polyglass will be presenting a lunch and learn at PBA’s office in June so our team and clients will learn more about new products, installation techniques and examples of where Polyglass products are used.  We strive to include continuing education for our team and...